Well, it's been a lousy few weeks for flying.  Density altitude is up, temperature and humidity are up, the only thing that's not up is  something marked Cessna with my fat butt in the left seat!  To top it all off, I haven't had a whole lot of time to do much of anything!.  Work, work, and work have pretty much been the dominant factor in my life. Add the home life to it, and I've just been out of time.  All of this has given me a little bandwidth to think. Here are just a few of the thoughts I am having.

First, I have to try to be less of a fat guy. After all, the endgame for me is to find a certified flight instructor rating and offer instruction. If a can of PAM, shoehorn, and a potato masher is required to get a student and I into the airplane, well… That could be a bit of an issue.  So with that in mind, I've actually resolved to try to drop 10 or 100 pounds. We'll figure out what number it actually is when I get to the other end of it and give up! 

On the submit to my IFR ticket: I haven't had much time to do any studying. I've resolved that I've got to pick my fat butt and make some adjustments to the schedule to allow me to study. I also have to shake off the hot weather and just go and do. After all, you can fly a Cessna one up ( which will hopefully be getting lighter) and make some adjustments to the schedule to allow me to study. I also have to shake off the hot weather and just go do. After all, you can fly a Cessna 172  with the windows open. The good news on the IFR ticket front is that I talked to Zenda, our local examiner, and she is having one of her famous quote "pass the written" classes  in October. That's just in time for me to go and  do what I need to do. 

This article provides ample proof Sasquatch is alive! Even though many haven't seen me lately, I do exist!  Beware!  I'll probably ride the motorcycle to the airport this morning and bum around for an hour or two.  Somebody call KSIF and warn them! General aviation riffraff is on the way!